Dear friends!
We have suggestion for collaboration between our sites.
Russian part of Internet increases with high speed. Day by day, numbers of Net users are increasing who search the information about history, traditions and culture of China in Russian language.
Our site Wonderful China is the leader in popularity among all Russian sites about the
orient cultures, traditional methodic of health, history of China. There are a lot of
visitors on its pages and they find the information they need.
This site is non-commercial project. It is just a window which opens China.
We have some advertising opportunities and we can publish your news, articles and photo-material. We shall translate the most interesting articles for Russian readers. We can add links to your site on the Russian and English language catalogues.
Naturally, every translated article and other your material will be accompanied with the reference on your original resource and it will be noted, that we use the materials from your site.
We shall help you to give the spirit and the aims of your organization to all Russian readers and increase your traffic.
Important! All links on this page are following to the Russian language pages.
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